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Organic Boiler

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Gas Oil-Fired Organic Heat Carrier Boilers

Product Type

YYL(W) type vertical(horizontal) type fuel oil(gas) heat boiler

Product Range

Rated thermal power: 0.7MW - 29MW (60xl04Cal/hr - 2500xl04Cal/hr)
Design pressure: 0.6MPa - 1.6MPa
Specific parameters are shown in Table6

Structural features of this series of products

  • There are two types of structure: vertical(YYL) and horizontal(YYW).
  • The boiler surface adopts the tightening-tube-arrangement with spiral structure. The chimney adopts the three-pass arrangement.
  • An air preheater or a water/steam transformer is arranged behind the boiler, reducing the temperature, improving the thermal efficiency of the boiler.
  • The quick opening door or the observation door is equipped for the convenience of checking the internal inspection and maintenance.

Oil/Gas Thermal Boiler System Diagram

Parameters Table 6

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